in development




genre:                        supernatural horror
writer: Ninon Schubert
director: Michael O'Connor
development producer: Shakedown Films



A chef with a twisted secret discovers a recipe that transports her into the tortured world of a 17th century plague doctor. When his past invades her present, she is forced to confront her true identity.




Selected for:

The Writers Lab Europe

Sitges Pitchbox / Filmarket Hub @ Sitges International Festival of Fantastic Film

European Genre Forum

Stowe Story Labs @ EFM










genre:   supernatural road movie
screenplay: Ninon Schubert/Michael O'Connor
director: Michael O'Connor


Set in the the dramatic landscape of Donegal, Ireland, two strangers form a bond when they realize they both see their own and other people's ghosts. Together, they embark on a journey to put their ghosts to rest.


Selected for:

Stow Story Labs Writers Retreat